Friday, April 16, 2010

"This Is The End"... (Thanks Jim Morrison)

No more classes... Only the Rubric Assignment, finalize the Unit Portfolio and compose the two page blog entry. This has been a tough course - all the more so as I thought it would be my easiest. Chalk that up to perceptions...

I do not like the seemingly accepted/presented style of rubrics. I think in more linear, one dimensional terms, although, I understand what Dr. Wang was saying: i.e rubrics must be, at minimum, two-dimensional. I would very much like to see students' thoughts on this type of evaluation...

Nevertheless, the importance of definitive and straightforward evaluation guidelines can not be dismissed. They are a necessary part of educational life. New to me, but that is not saying much as I am an older student and evaluation methods have changed significantly since I was in a pre-collegiate environment and in an unconventional educational setting (Alabama School of Fine Arts in its early years).

I am hungry and must eat now...

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